Und da mir der Test (mal wieder ein weiterer) Arroganz bestätigt hat (ihr unwichtigen, anonymen Leute könnt damit eh nichts anfangen! ), habe ich auch kein Problem, das hier zu posten:
JUDGE (Dominant Introvert Concrete Thinker)
Ich Like just 3% of the population you are a JUDGE (DICT). Your affinity for facts and analytical approach to life help you some complex problems and make tough decisions that others cannot. But don't think you don't act like a bitch a lot of the time. You jump into arguments and hold grudges like crazy. Try jumping into the sack and holding buttocks, instead. You could probably use some love.
While some may see you as a bit overbearing and arrogant, your friends know that you are a trustworthy person with depth and a strong sense of righteousness. Although you are introverted and somewhat reserved, you have a forceful personality that your friends appreciate and your enemies fear. God help them. God help all of us.
Ich weiß nicht. Irgend was hab ich falsch gemacht...
Like just 10% of the population you are a HELPER WHO FINDS MISSING CHILDREN OVER THE INTERNET (SICF). You are very tentative in the world and introverted with people-- which means you are the shy and silent type. Hence the Internet. But behind your reserved exterior lies a dedicated person with a passion for the concrete truth who wants to, in his heart of hearts, help find missing children. God bless you.
Like just 4% of the population you are an ARTIST (DIAF)--creative, adventurous, and deep. Although you are an introvert, your dominant ideas lead you to assert yourself often--especially through your work. You actively put your creativity to constructive use, and because you are ruled by your heart you are less likely to be inhibited by logic.
You have an intuitive understanding of emotion and know how evoke it in others, but the real world can be a prison of foolishness and embarrassment if you don't get your head out of the clouds a little more. Also, you are 87% likely to write poetry. Please, for the love of God, stop now.
Der letzte Teil ist gemein, das stimmt nicht. Ich bin außerdem mehr Kopfmensch... der Rest ist ok.
Like just 8% of the population you are a MASTERMIND (SIAT). You can be silent and withdrawn, but behind your reserved exterior lies an active mind that allows you to analyze situations and come up with creative, unexpected solutions. Normal people call this "scheming." Don't learn German.
Anyway, your sense of style and originality are your strengths, and people will respect your judgment once they get to know you. If you learn to be a little more personable, you could be a great leader--you've definitely got the "vision" thing down. Just make sure all the plotting you do behind those eyes of yours is healthy.
Famous masterminds in television: Dr. Claw, The Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Montgomery Burns.
Ich habe mich in den paar Jahren, die ich in BW gewohnt habe, bemüht, so wenig wie möglich da zu übernehmen... wobei Stuttgart schon eher in Richtung Schwaben geht, oder?
Ich weiß, das Stuttgart die Hauptstadt ist. Und ich bin auch in Kontakt mit dem Dialekt aus der Schw. Alb gekommen... Ich glaube, der hat nicht einmal gemerkt, dass die Leute ihn nach der dritten Wiederholung seines Satzes immer noch nicht verstanden haben...
Ich weiss, was Du meinst Ich kenne jemanden, mit dem kann man sich echt normal unterhalten, sobald er allerdings mit seinen Eltern spricht, ist Schicht im Schacht.
So geht es mir aber auch. Wenn sich hier im Ort ein paar 'Eingeborene' unterhalten, verstehe ich kein Wort, dabei bin ich hier geboren und aufgewachsen.
Naja, nicht so toll ... ich kauf mir schon mal neue Armschoner ... !
Like just 7% of the population you are an ACCOUNTANT (SICT)--reserved, meticulous, and dependable. While being called an accountant isn't really that cool, neither are you. You aren't exactly the life of the party, but you do have fun, and the people close to you really do love you.
There are basically two kinds of accountants, and you most likely fit into one of the two categories:
- male - female
Seriously: accountants are good at whatever they do. They can always be trusted, especially by their friends. They almost never cheat or steal. (Some real-life accountants do, however, they are probably Judges (DICT)). You probably have a wonderful relationship with your family.
ZitatGepostet von AZOG There are basically two kinds of accountants, and you most likely fit into one of the two categories:
- male - female
Das ist doch immerhin etwas, oder? Aber ich weiß nicht, was Du hast, passt doch, oder? Ich bin bisher die einzige, die mit dem Kopf in den Wolken steckt.