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Edit: Ah.
Dá fhada an oíche tagann an camhaoir - However long the night, the dawn will come
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[ Editiert von valacirca am 11.09.08 11:51 ]
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other
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Dá fhada an oíche tagann an camhaoir - However long the night, the dawn will come
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other