Kann mal jemand ein Testposting schreiben, damit ich sehe, was ich gerade für Änderungen gemacht habe?
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other
Zickt das Forum bei dir immer noch oder betreibst du Finetuning?
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other
Gestern habe ich ja ein wenig das Polmwedel-Journal aktualisiert und da werden zwei Links in dem ersten Abschnitt ganz blöd angezeigt und ich kapier nicht warum.
Dir ist da jeweils ein Leerzeichen reingerutscht, das verursacht den Fehler.
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other
Ich habe mich über die Darstellung gewundert und dann deinen Link kopiert, um ihn einmal mit und einmal ohne Leerzeichen zu testen.
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other
And in the dead of a moonless night As your path turns into the black You become one with the darkness And in the dead of a moonless night Who knows if you are brothers Or if you will turn against each other