Grundlage ist ein walisisches Buch bzw. eine Sammlung von Geschichten, das "Mabinogi"
Though we don't have nearly as much early Welsh literature as we do Irish, we do have the Welsh tales collectively referred to as the Mabinogion, or more accurately, the Mabinogi. The word mabinogi is a collective description of a group of four medieval Welsh tales that are also called the "four branches." Patrick Ford suggests "mabinogi was an extensive collection of more or less related adventures, related sufficiently for them to be metaphorically conceived as branches, rather than as independent tales and that each branch consisted of episodes of related lore . . . and adventures."61 Other manuscripts contain portions of the various tales, or isolated tales; Peniarth 6 arguably the oldest of the mss., dating probably from the thirteenth century, contains fragments from the second and third branches( Mac Cana 1992 22).
Even the meaning of the word mabinogi is not absolutely clear; mabinogi probably refers to Òthe (collective) material pertaining to the god Maponos.Ó62 Each of the four tales ends with a version of the colophon "Ac y uelly teruyna y geing hon yma Mabinogi" or "and thus ends this branch of the Mabinogi." Each "branch" (cainc) then is a separate tale. Patrick Ford suggests "mabinogi was an extensive collection of more or less related adventures, related sufficiently for them to be metaphorically conceived as branches, rather than as independent tales and that each branch consisted of episodes of related lore . . . and adventures" (Ford 1977 34).
Das hat die gute Evangeline Walton zu einem Buch gemacht, in dem grob der Uebergang von Matriachat zum Patriachat. Und das dann in vier Teilen. Mir gefaellts .
Nein, das im Mai ist was anderes. Wann die schwarzen Gestalten kommen, kann ich Dir leider nicht sagen. Aber wenn Du interesse hast, halt ich die Augen offen und sag Dir rechtzeitig Bescheid.
Hm ne werde wahrscheinlich nicht da sein Kheldar, bin nicht so der Festival typ und ja auch nicht so der echte Gothic eher nen Wochenend Grufti *lacht*
Achja das Festival ist wohl jedes jahr an pfingsten in LE, auch dieses jahr, 17-20.05
@Llial: Danke , schaue öfters hier rein habe nur selten was zu sagen