Jden Zehnten??? Wie viele fahren bei euch in der Gegend denn ohne Führerschein? Also, ich kenne da keinen. Und ja, mag sein daß ich da hart bin. Aber ich finde, bei der bewußten Gefährdung menschlichen Lebens hört der Spaß auf.
Das hat ja auch niemand behauptet. Aber Gefängnis oder längerfristige therapeutische Behandlung ist ja wohl nicht angemessen, Geldstrafe oder Sozialauflagen reichen auch.
Naja, das sehe ich eben anders. Es gibt schon zuviele Verkehrstote, auch ohne daß irgendwelche Fahranfänger durch die Gegend brettern. Und ganz nebenbei: Nach geltendem Recht wäre Küblböcks Höchststrafe 3 Jahre Haft. Gut, soweit würde ich auch nicht gehen, aber du siehst: Der Gesetzgeber teilt meine Meinung.
Hallo? Es geht um einen gerade eben mal 18jährigen Ersttäter, du willst ja wohl nicht ernsthaft behaupten, dass da eine Gefängnisstrafe dieser Größenordnung angebracht ist.
Vor allem nicht, wenn man mal bedenkt, dass es für eine Vergewaltigung eine ungefähr gleich hohe Strafe gibt. Das steht in keiner Relation .
@ Arakano: Ich bemittleide niemanden (außer gelgentlich mich selbst ). Und sicher gehört das Fahren ohne Führerschein bestraft und wird es schließlich auch. Dennoch verstehe ich ganz Allgemein nicht, wieso so viele Leute Küblböck-"Hasser" sind (mir fällt da gerade kein besseres Wort für ein). Heino mag ich auch nicht, meine Großeltern schon. Nur mal so. Ich sehe ja auch Yavannas und Valas Argumente ein, dass Herr Küblböck nervt. Empfinde ich auch so. Aber dieses ganze Trara finde ich, wie Yavanna schon sagte, als übetrieben.
Also, zuerst einmal: Ich sagte ja, so eine hohe Strafe erschiene mir auch übertrieben. Andererseits: Verkehrsunfälle haben oft Todesfälle oder schwere Verstümmelungen zur Folge. Insofern sollte man fahren ohne Führerschein nicht als Kavaliersdelikt verharmlosen. Wenn jemand einen Zug zum entgleisen bringt oder ein Wohnhaus anzündet ist es mir auch egal, ob es ein 18jähriger Ersttäter ist oder nicht.
Und ich hasse weniger Küblböck als die ganze Industrie dahin ter. Ich hasse D.S.D.S. und all die ähnlichen Formate, ich hasse die Mehrzahl der Teilnehmer, weil sie so unerträglich nerven UND meiner Meinung nach ein widerliches Verhalten an den Tag legen (von der "Musik" ganz zu schweigen...), ich hasse Dieter Bohlen und alles wofür er steht, und ja, ich hasse auch Daniel Küblböck und seine ebenso strohdoofen wie unverschämten Aussagen.
Ich weiß, kein guter Zug von mir, ich weiß auch, daß Hass nicht unbedingt zu den Tugenden eines guten Menschen gehört, aber diese ganze Casting-Scheiße regt mich eben furchtbar auf. Glaubt mir, in unserem örtlichen Jugendchor gab es mehr Talent als in allen Castingshows, und wir haben keinem unsere nervige Dauerpräsenz aufgezwungen... (außer den Ungarn, aber daß ist eine ganz andere Geschichte... )
Weird Al Yankovic [f4]Amish Paradise[/f] Musik: "Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio
As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain But that's just perfect for an Amish like me You know, I shun fancy things like electricity At 4:30 in the morning I'm milkin' cows Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows... fool And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin But if I finish all of my chores and you finish thine Then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699
We been spending most our lives Living in an Amish paradise I've churned butter once or twice Living in an Amish paradise It's hard work and sacrifice Living in an Amish paradise We sell quilts at discount price Living in an Amish paradise
A local boy kicked me in the butt last week I just smiled at him and turned the other cheek I really don't care, in fact I wish him well 'Cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in hell But I ain't never punched a tourist even if he deserved it An Amish with a 'tude? You know that's unheard of I never wear buttons but I got a cool hat And my homies all I agree I look good in black... fool If you come to visit, you'll be bored to tears We haven't even paid the phone bill in 300 years But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare We're just technologically impaired
There's no phone, no lights, no motorcar Not a single luxury Like Robinson Caruso It's as primitave as can be
We been spending most our lives Living in an Amish paradise We're just plain and simple guys Living in an Amish paradise There's no time for sin and vice Living in an Amish paradise We don't fight, we all play nice Living in an Amish paradise
Hitchin' up the buggy, churnin' lots of butter Raised a barn on Monday, soon I'll raise another Think you're really rightous? Think you're pure in heart? Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art I'm the pious guy the little Amlettes wanna be like On my knees day and night scorin' points for the afterlife So don't be vain and don't be whiny Or else, my brother, I might just have to get medieval on your heinie
We been spending most our lives Living in an Amish paradise We're all crazy Mennonites Living in an Amish paradise There's no cops or traffic lights Living in an Amish paradise But you'd probably think it bites Living in an Amish paradise
Für alle, deren Beziehung momentan nicht so gut zu laufen scheint...
WEIRD AL YANKOVIC [f4]You Dont Love Me Anymore[/f]
We've been together for so very long But now things are changing, oh I wonder what's wrong? Seems you don't want me around The passion is gone and the flame's died down
I guess I lost a little bit of self-esteem That time that you made it with the whole hockey team You used to think I was nice Now you tell all your friends that I'm the Antichrist
Oh, why did you disconnect the breaks in my car? That kind of thing is hard to ignore Got a funny feeling you don't love me anymore
I knew that we were having problems when You put those piranhas in my bathtub again You're still the light of my life Oh darling, I'm beggin', won't you put down that knife?
You know, I even think it's kinda cute the way You poison my coffee just a little each day I still remember the way that you laughed When you pushed me down that elevator shaft
Oh, if you don't mind me asking, what's this poisonous cobra Doing in my underwear drawer? Sometime I get to thinking you don't love me any more
You slammed my face down on the barbecue grill Now my scars are all healing, but my heart never will You set my house on fire You pulled out my chest hairs with an old pair of pliers
Oh, you think that I'm ugly and you say that I'm cheap You shaved off my eyebrows while I was asleep You drilled a hole in my head Then you dumped me in a drainage ditch and left me for dead
Oh, you know this really isn't like you at all You never acted this way before Honey, something tells me you don't love me any more, oh no no Got a funny feeling you don't love me anymore
[approximately 10 minutes and 2 seconds of silence]
Weird Al Yankovic [f4]The Saga Begins[/f] Melodie: American Pie
A long? long time ago In a galaxy far away Naboo was under an attack And I thought me and Qui?Gon Jinn Could talk the federation into Maybe cutting them a little slack But their response? it didn?t thrill us They locked the doors and tried to kill us We escaped from that gas Then met Jar Jar and Boss Nass We took a bongo from the scene And we went to Theed to see the Queen We all wound up on Tatooine That?s where we found this boy...
Oh my my this here Anakin guy May be Vader someday later ? now he?s just a small fry And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye Sayin? "Soon I?m gonna be a Jedi" "Soon I?m gonna be a Jedi"
Did you know this junkyard slave Isn?t even old enough to shave And he can use the Force? they say Ahh? do you see him hitting on the queen Though he?s just nine and she?s fourteen Yah? he?s probably gonna marry her someday Well? I knew he built C?3PO And I?ve heard how fast his pod can go And we were broke? it?s true So we made a wager or two He was a prepubescent flyin? ace And the minute Jabba started off that race Well? I knew who would win first place Oh yes? it was our boy
We started singin? ... My my this here Anakin guy May be Vader someday later ? now he?s just a small fry And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye Sayin? "Soon I?m gonna be a Jedi" "Soon I?m gonna be a Jedi"
Now we finally got to Coruscant The Jedi Council we knew would want To see how good the boy could be So we took him there and we told the tale How his midi?chlorians were off the scale And he might fulfill that prophecy Oh? the Council was impressed? of course Could he bring balance to the Force They interview the kid Oh? training they forbid Because Yoda sensed in him much fear And Qui?Gon said "Now listen here" "Just stick it in your pointy ear" "I still will teach this boy"
He was singin? ... My my this here Anakin guy May be Vader someday later ? now he?s just a small fry And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye Sayin? "Soon I?m gonna be a Jedi" "Soon I?m gonna be a Jedi"
We caught a ride back to Naboo ?Cause Queen Amidala wanted to I frankly would?ve liked to stay We all fought in that epic war And it wasn?t long at all before "ittle Hotshot flew his plane and saved the day And in the end some Gunguns died Some ships blew up and some pilots fried A lot of folks were croakin? The battle droids were broken And the Jedi I admire most Met up with Darth Maul and now he?s toast Well? I?m still here and he?s a ghost I guess I?ll train this boy
And I was singin? ... My my this here Anakin guy May be Vader someday later ? now he?s just a small fry And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye Sayin? "Soon I?m gonna be a Jedi" "Soon I?m gonna be a Jedi"
We were singin? ... My my this here Anakin guy May be Vader someday later ? now he?s just a small fry And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye Sayin? "Soon I?m gonna be a Jedi"
Ok, ich poste mal das längste (über 14 minuten) mir bekannte Werk von Blind-Guardian. Gehört einfach in jede gutsortierte Lyrik-Sammlung...
-----------------And Then There Was Silence-----------------
Turn your head and see the fields of flames
He carries along From a distant place He's on his way He'll bring decay (Don't move along 'Cause things they will go wrong The end is getting closer day by day) In shades of grey We're doomed to face the night Light's out of sight
Since we've reached the point of no return We pray for starlight we wait for the moon The sky is empty Alone in the unknown We're getting nowhere
We have been betrayed By the wind and rain The sacred hall's empty and cold The sacrifice made Should not be done in vain Revenge will be taken by Rome
We live a lie Under the dying moon Pale-faced laughs doom Indulges in delight
It's getting out of hand The final curtain will fall Hear my voice There is no choice There's no way out You'll find out
We don't regret it So many men have failed But now he's gone Go out and get it The madman's head it
Shall be thyne We don't regret it That someone else dies hidden in disguise Go out and get it Orion's hound shines bright
Don't you think it's time to stop the chase Around the ring Just stop running running Round the ring Don't you know that fate has been decided by the gods Feel the distance, distance Out of reach
Welcome to the end Watch your step, Cassandra You may fall As I've stumbled on the field Sister mine Death's a certain thing Find myself in darkest places Find myself drifting away And the other world The other world appears
Find myself she dies in vain I cannot be freed I'm falling down As time runs faster Moves towards disaster
The ferryman will wait for you My dear
And then there was silence Just a voice from other world Like a leaf in an icy world Memories will fade
Misty tales and poems lost All the bliss and beauty will be gone Will my weary soul find release for a while At the moment of death I will smile It's the triumph of shame and disease In the end Iliad
Raise my hands and praise the day Break the spell show me the way In decay The flame of Troy will shine bright
The newborn child will carry ruin to the hall The newborn's death would be a blessing to us all
Good choice? Bad choice? Out of there You've chosen misery Power and wisdom You deny Bad choice
War is the only answer When love will conquer fear So the judgement's been made to the fairest The graceful says badly he fails
Warning Fear the heat of passion, father king Don't let him in Don't let her in Desire, lust, obsession Death they'll bring We can't get out Once they are in
She's like the sunrise Outshines the moon at night Precious like starlight She will bring in a murderous price
In darkness grows the seed of man's defeat Jealousy I can clearly see the end now I can clearly see the end now I can clearly see the end now
The thread of life is spun The coin's been placed below my tongue
Never give up Never give in Be on our side So we can win Never give up Never give in Be on our side Old moon's time is soon to come
Nowhere to run Nowhere to hide Nothing to lose Like one we'll stand We'll face the storm Created by a man
Roar roar roar roar Troy Troy Troy Troy
And as the lion Slaughters man I am the wolf And you're the lamb
Hallowed Troy will fall Round the walls Faith is shattered bodies fall
Nowhere to run Nowhere to hide Nothing to lose Like one we'll stand It's all for one and one for all We live for will be wiped out
I feel that something's wrong Surprise, surprise they're gone Full moon your time goes by And new moon's still kept our of sight We live we die
Misty tales and poems lost All the bliss and beauty will be gone Will my weary soul find release for a while At the moment of death I will smile It's the triumph of shame and disease In the end Iliad
Raise my hands and praise the day Break the spell show me the way In decay The flame of Troy will shine bright
Roam in darkness Spread the vision We will be lost if you truly believe Troy in darkness There's a cold emptiness in our hearts That they've gone away And won't come back
They'll tear down the wall to bring it in They'll truly believe in the lie, lie, lie With blossoms they'll welcome The old foe
The vision's so clear When day and dream unite The end is near You better be prepared
The nightmare shall be over now There's nothing more to fear Come join in our singing And dance with us now The nightmare shall be over now There's nothing more to fear The war it is over forevermore
No hope The blind leads the blind Carry on Though future's denied Mare or stallion There's far more inside We are in at the kill we'll cheerfully die
Misty tales and poems lost All the bliss and beauty will be gone Will my weary soul find release for a while At the moment of death I will smile It's the triumph of shame and disease In the end Iliad
Raise my hands and praise the day Break the spell show me the way In decay The flame of Troy will shine bright
Holy light shines on
So the judgement's been made We're condemned though the trial's far ahead The crack of doom Father Your handsome son is heading home
Heading home
Still the wind blows Calm and silent Carries news from a distant shore
Out of mind Can't get it Can't get it Out of me head
Mit besten Empfehlungen sich die Lieder mal anzuhören (kann sein, dass vom 2. der text schon gepostet wurde)
Ensiferum - Hero in a Dream
A witch read from the palm of his hand that his life would turn into darkness and alone he would face all demons from his past that he tries to forget An elder king warned of the dangers that lie in the valleys of north and his only change was to find his shadow so he had to set forth
(chorus) He is the man who travels in the land of dragons and magic spells He rides in the winds of fire and snow and he rules the forest of elves
Slash of the golden sword a flash in the burning night Curse of the evil lord He is fighting for his life for the last time
Oh such beauty in time, but it's just external He cannot see the truth with his eyes, so he is bound by a lie
The snow starts falling in paradise, as he gazes at the stars He will be born again in the sky, when the night turns into a dawn
Slash of the golden sword a flash in the burning night Curse of the evil lord He is fighting for his life for the last time
On the way to the ancient castle of time he will soon be damned by rage so that his pride could betray him when it's time to set him free The tears in his mind had to be pushed aside as he walked through the gates He will never die 'cause he is truly a Hero in a Dream
(chorus 2x)
Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song(In the Forest)
Now you all now The Bard's and their songs When hours have gone bye I close my eyes In a world far away We may meet again But now hear my song About the dawn of the night Let's sing the Bard's song
Tomorrow will take us away Far from home No one will ever know our names But the Bard's songs will remain Tomorrow will take it away The fear of today It will be gone Due to our magic songs
There's only one song Left in my mind Tales of a brave man Who lives far from here Now the Bard songs are over And it's time to leave No one will ask you For the name of the one Who tells the story
Tomorrow will take us away Far from home No one will ever know our names But the Bard songs will remain Tomorrow all of you known And your not alone So don't be afraid in the dark and cold But the Bard songs will remain They all will remain
In my thoughts and in my dreams They're always in my mind These songs of Hobbits, Dwarves and Men And Elves come close your eyes You can see them too