Do you curse where you come from, Do you swear in the night Will it mean much to you If I treat you right. Do you like what you're doing, Would you do it some more Or will you stop once and wonder What you're doing it for. Hey slow Jane, make sense Slow, slow, Jane, cross the fence.
Do you feel like a remnant Of something that's past Do you find things are moving Just a little too fast. Do you hope to find new ways Of quenching your thirst, Do you hope to find new ways Of doing better than your worst. Hey slow Jane, let me prove Slow, slow Jane, we're on the move.
Do it for you, Sure that you would do the same for me one day. So try to be true, Even if it's only in your hazey way.
Can you tell if you're moving With no mirror to see, If you're just riding a new man Looks a little like me. Is it all so confusing, Is it hard to believe When the winter is coming Can you sign up and leave. Hey slow Jane, live your lie Slow, slow jane, fly on by.
I know you think that I shouldn't still love you, I'll tell you that. But if I didn't say it, well I'd still have felt it where's the sense in that?
I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder Or return to where we were
Well I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be
I know I left too much mess and destruction to come back again And I caused but nothing but trouble I understand if you can't talk to me again And if you live by the rules of "it's over" then I'm sure that that makes sense
Well I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be
And when we meet Which I'm sure we will All that was then Will be there still I'll let it pass And hold my tongue And you will think That I've moved on....
Well I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be
Well I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be
Well I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be
Aus gegebenen Anlass (und weil ich vielleicht doch auf das Konzert in Aalen gehen kann), das Lied mit einem der coolsten Anfänge, die ich kenne:
Amorphis Alone
Tear dimmed rememberance In a womb of time Breath upon me Possessed by the passion Fate will set you free Infertile
Chased be the precious When flesh is an enemy Fair weather man
Step aside from the way of a better man than you So you fall at his feet he's the one who betrays you It's the servants devotion for the decay Stand up!
There are no flowers on your grave There are no chains There I keep chanting for the forgotten name
Why you feel so empty And still have everything It's fullfilment I've got more companions When I'm all alone Flesh is fetching
Naja, bei der Temeperatur meiner Füße und Hände könnte man schon mal meinen, ich käme frisch aus der Gruft, aber tatsächlich, Du hast Recht: Ich fühle noch einen Puls!
(Ist die Pubertät nicht irgendwie prägend? Da habe ich eben angefangen mich abzuhärten.)
Stimmt. Im Sommer fragt regelmäßig meine Mutter, ob sie nicht eine Nacht bei mir Asyl nehmen darf.
(Meine Heizung ist praktisch immer aus, intelligenterweise ist sie direkt unter dem Computertisch, so dass sich darüber immer ein Schwall stickiger heißer Luft bildet... das kann ich nicht haben. )
(Kalt ist mir da auch lieber, man kann sich ja warm anziehen. )
So, noch mal zu dem gemütlichen Wandern von oben... mir fällt da irgendwie immer das hier ein... Eigentlich geht es mir nur um die Melodie, ist so ein fröhliches Liedchen... aber ich poste den Text trotzdem mal (auch wenn ich davon ausgehe, dass sowieso niemand jedes Wort lesen wird, aber es sieht so genial aus. ).
Ysbryd y werin / Mae'r ddaear yn glasu
Mae'r ddaear a'r byd yn eiddo i mi Mae'n rhy werthfawr i'w rhoi i ffwrdd Mae hi gyda ni i gadw Felly gadewch hi'n iawn.
Y werin ydw i A fi ydy'ch ysbryd Ysbryd y werin'dw i.
Mae'r ddaear yn glasu, a'r coed sydd yn tyfu, A gwyrddion yw'r gerddi, mae'r llwyni mor llon, A heirdd yw'r eginau, a'r dail ar y dolau A blodau'r perllanau pur llawnion.
Os bu yn ddiweddar wedd ddu ar y ddaear, Cydganodd yr adar yn gerddgar i gyd, Gweld coedydd yn deilio a wnai iddynt byncio, Cydseinio drwy'n hoywfro draw'n hyfryd.
Mae'r ddaear fawr ffrwythlon a'i thrysor yn ddigon I borthi'i thrigolion yn dirion bob dydd; Pe byddem ni ddynion mewn cyflwr heddychlon Yn caru'n un galon ein gilydd.
(Translation: Spirit of the people / The earth is getting greener
The earth and the world belong to me It is too valuable to be given away It is for us to keep So let us keep it well.
I am the people And I am your spirit I am the spirit of the people.
The earth is getting greener and the trees are growing, The gardens are green and the bushes a delight, The shoots are full of beauty, as the leaves on the meadows And the flowers in the fulsome orchards.
If the earth of late has looked bleak All the birds have sung together, Seeing the leaves budding on the trees made them sing And their song has awoken the whole land.
The bountiful earth and its treasure Is enough to feed its inhabitants each day; Oh, that we men could but live in peace Loving each other with one heart.)